About me

👋 Hi, there! I'm Christopher, a fifth year PhD student focusing on on virtual reality, virtual humans, embodiment and machine learning to promote health and wellbeing for marginalized populations. I am completing my Human-Centered Computing PhD at the University of Florida with Dr. Benjamin Lok in the VERG Lab.

Sleeping cat

If I'm not working on a paper, grant, or app, (hopefully) you can find me outdoors, traveling, spending a tad too much money on boba, or spending a tad too much time on Boba (my cat). If not seen in more than 24 hours, please check the UF VERG Lab for a sleeping PhD student at his desk.

I'm actively pursuing opportunities in the field of virtual avatars, virtual agents, human-computer interaction, machine learning, embodiment, and AR/VR/XR technologies.

Research Interests

  • VR icon

    Virtual Reality

    Project(s): Embodiment

  • ML Icon

    Aritificial Intelligence

    Project(s): Clinical Trial Enrollment Project

  • Virtual human icon

    Virtual Humans

    Project(s): Virtual Human-Guided Embodied Conversations

  • Health icon

    Mental Health & Healthcare

    Project(s): Virtual Human Motivational Interviews to Improve Mental Health Readiness to Change

Recent News

  • Conference

    Published TVCG Journal Article

    Manuscript: "Sense of Urgency on the Sense of Agency: Challenges in Evaluating Agency and Embodiment in Virtual Reality"

  • Conference

    Published Frontiers Journal Article

    Manuscript: "Published What My Bias Meant for My Embodiment: An Investigation on Virtual Embodiment in Desktop-Based Virtual Reality"

  • Qualifying Exams

    Passed Qualifying Examinations

    Manuscript: "The Cultural Tailoring of Virtual Human Interventions: A Systematic Review"

  • Conference

    Presented Conference Paper at ACM IVA 2022

    Manuscript: "How does a virtual human earn your trust? Guidelines to improve willingness to self-disclose to intelligent virtual agents"

  • Conference

    Presented Conference Paper at IEEE ISMAR 2022

    Manuscript: "Strafing Gains: Redirecting Users One Diagonal Step at a Time"



  1. Ph.D. in Human-Centered Computing, University of Florida

    Aug 2020 — August 2025

    Department of Computer and Information Science Engineering

    Advisor: Dr. Benjamin Lok

  2. M.S. in Computer Science, University of Florida

    Aug 2020 — Dec 2022

    Department of Computer and Information Science Engineering

    Advisor: Dr. Benjamin Lok

  3. B.S. in Computer Science, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

    Sep 2018 — May 2020

    College of Science and Engineering

    Advisor: Dr. Evan Suma Rosenberg


  1. Research Assistant, Virtual Experiences Research Group

    Aug 2020 — Present

    • Embodied interactions in virtual reality and virtual human conversations.

    • AI-driven virtual humans to support mental health conversations

    • Tailored virutal human education to support clinical trial enrollment for underrepresented populations (R24/U01 Grant)

    • Virtual human platform to help those with psychiatric disorders interact with healthcare providers (Get Prepd Psychiatry Grant)

  2. Research Assistant, Davidson DRiVE Lab

    May 2022 — Aug 2022

    • Mentored undergraduate students in VR/AR development via Unity in virtual embodiment, flight simulation, and UX/UI design

    • Concurrently developing two applications via Unity for embodiment in VR to study implicit bias and sense of embodiment; two publications developed in collaboration with DRiVE Lab.

  3. Software Development Engineer Interventions, Amazon

    May 2020 — Aug 2020

    • Developed auto-complete feature for Amazon Help Services to be incorporated into services such as Alexa Help Domain and Amazon Customer Service Help Search.

    • Utilized a knowledge graph to generate results by natural language processing, synonym mapping, SPARQL, and front-end UI development

  4. Research Assistant, Illusioneering Lab

    Oct 2018 — May 2020

    • Created virtual environments in Unity to prototype and study redirected walking techniques in virtual reality. Published poster (2019) and paper (2022).

    • Worked with graduate students to conduct pilot tests for studies, participate in lab meetings, conduct qualitative and quantitative analysis, and assist with human studies in VR.


Published Manuscripts

  • Journal Articles

    [1] You, C., Venkatakrishnan, R., Venkatakrishnan, R., Han, Z., Lok, B., & Peck, T. (2024). A Sense of Urgency on the Sense of Agency: Challenges in Evaluating Agency and Embodiment in Virtual Reality. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.

    [2] You, C., Peck, T., Stuart, J., Gomes de Siqueira, A., & Lok, B. (2024). What my bias meant for my embodiment: an investigation on virtual embodiment in desktop-based virtual reality. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 5, 1251564.

  • Conference Articles

    [3] You, C., Benda, B., Rosenberg, E. S., Ragan, E., Lok, B., & Thomas, J. (2022, October). Strafing gain: Redirecting users one diagonal step at a time. In 2022 IEEE international symposium on mixed and augmented reality (ISMAR) (pp. 603-611). IEEE.

    [4] You, C., Ghosh, R., Maxim, A., Stuart, J., Cooks, E., & Lok, B. (2022, September). How does a virtual human earn your trust? guidelines to improve willingness to self-disclose to intelligent virtual agents. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (pp. 1-8).

  • Extended Abstracts, Posters, & Demos

    [6] Ghosh, R., Maxim, A., You, C., & Lok, B. (2024, March). Real-Time Virtual Human for Promoting Clinical Trial Education and Recruitment. In 2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) (pp. 1184-1185). IEEE.

    [7] Jurczyk, K., You, C., Nourani, M., Gupta, M., Anthony, L., & Lok, B. (2021, October). Romadoro: Leveraging Nudge Techniques to Encourage Break-Taking. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 34th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (pp. 66-69).

    [8] You, C., Suma Rosenberg, E., & Thomas, J. (2019, October). Strafing gain: A novel redirected walking technique. In Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (pp. 1-1).




Contact Form

Feel free to contact me with the form below. Alternatively, my contact information is on the left-hand side of my website.